Welcome to “Geographic Analysis with OpenStreetMap Data”, a course designed by Benjamin Herfort and colleagues.
OpenStreetMap data is omnipresent when performing GIS analyses. For instance, OSM data has been used to monitor progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, estimate the physical access to health care facilities or to quantify land use and land cover changes. And due to its Open Data approach and a growing community of individuals and “professional” stakeholder such as companies or humanitarian organisations, we can expect OSM to become “the” global geodata source of the future. It’s time to get prepared for this and learn how to use OSM for various purposes and understands its (current) limits.
Benjamin Herfort -
benjamin.herfort [at] heigit.org
Research Associate
HeiGIT gGmbH, affiliated Institute at Heidelberg University
Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology
Berliner Str. 45 (Mathematikon)
D-69120 Heidelberg
Dates and Topics#
# |
date |
topics |
00 |
24.10.2024 |
First Session: Getting to know each other |
01 |
31.10.2024 |
Infrastructure Setup |
02 |
07.11.2024 |
Introduction to OSM data structure |
03 |
14.11.2024 |
Exercise 01: Schools Count |
04 |
21.11.2024 |
Exercise 02: Analysing Bias and Inequalities in OSM |
05 |
28.11.2024 |
Introduction to Dimensions of Spatial Data Quality |
06 |
05.12.2024 |
First Test (25P) |
07 |
12.12.2024 |
Exercise 04: Completeness I |
08 |
19.12.2024 |
Exercise 05: Currentness |
– |
26.12.2024 |
– |
02.01.2024 |
09 |
09.01.2025 |
Second Test (25P) |
10 |
16.01.2025 |
Exercise 06: Combine OSM and Copernicus EMS data |
11 |
23.01.2025 |
Exercise 07: Healthcare Access Analysis |
12 |
30.01.2025 |
tbd |
13 |
06.02.2025 |
Last Session: Wrap Up |
– |
15.04.2025 |
Third Test (50P) |