Other Websites and Resources#

Getting started with OSM#

  • OSM Wiki: The OpenStreetMap Wiki is a place for help documentation, technical documentation and promotional material on everything related to the OpenStreetMap project. It is not the OpenStreetMap project itself, but rather a documentation store designed to provide guidance for map contributors and users.

  • taginfo: Taginfo helps you by showing statistics about which tags are actually in the OSM database, how many people use those tags, where they are used and so on. It also gets information about tags from the wiki and from other places.

  • OSM Changesets of the last 30 Days: search for specific terms that have been used in a changeset’s comment section within the past 30 days. The changesets are based on an hourly updated OSM database.

  • OSM in realtime: OSM In Realtime downloads the minutely changeset feed provided by OpenStreetMap and shows the changesets on the map. It isn’t really intended for any useful mapping purpose. The developer just thought it would be a cool visualization. (And it is!)

  • OSM Notes: Notes are not directly related to the OSM data, but more to the OSM website. It enables everyone to add a comment on the map to assist others in mapping/editing OpenStreetMap. Other users can respond to your notes, for example to ask for additional details if necessary.

Further OSM Data Services#

  • OSM Boundaries: easily extract Administrative boundaries such as country borders, state borders or equivalents from the OpenStreetMap databases.

  • Humanitarian Data Exchange: The Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) is an open platform for sharing data across crises and organisations. Launched in July 2014, the goal of HDX is to make humanitarian data easy to find and use for analysis.

General Purpose Geo-Tools#

  • geojson.io: A fast, simple tool to create, change, and publish maps based on geojson data.

  • uMap: uMap lets you create maps with OpenStreetMap layers in a minute and embed them in your site.